
Superficiality.  It is the scourge of the modern church.

It is worship with little heart…giving with the hope of personal gain…and convenience over obedience.

John the Baptist referred to the Pharisees and Sadducees as vipers.  Why?  Because their curiosity was really hypocrisy.  His call was for repentance.

How does the church purge itself from superficiality?   What can be done to strip away the hypocrisy?  How can the church move from empty rituals to experience the power of God?

Here are some thoughts.

Put quality above quantity.  Numbers do not prove divine favor.

Put truth above acceptability.  It’s not what people desire – it’s what God desires.

Put purity above popularity.  The quest for holiness must always be central.

May the church today be stripped of its superficiality.