One Thing

One thing. But…it can easily be missed.

After cleansing the temple…Jesus said: “My house will be called a house of prayer…”

He did not say my house will be called a center for preaching…or singing…or fellowship. It will be called a house of prayer.

So…it is right to conclude that prayer is the one priority of the church. Yet…it is often subordinate to other priorities.

Yes. Peaching…singing…and fellowship are indispensable – but never to the minimization of prayer.

Sadly…often the prayer meeting is the most poorly attended of all events in the church.

But…if the church is a divine enterprise…if it exists to be an agent for the release of God’s power…if God’s favor is deemed essential – then His house will be called a house of prayer.

The Call of Jesus

The call of Jesus. To whom is it directed?

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

Is it a call to the wise — the privileged — the proud? No. The call of Jesus is to those who labor and are heavy laden.

But…what does that mean? Only those who humble themselves…admit their need …renounce their self-sufficiency – these are the ones to whom the call of Jesus is directed.

It’s the poor in spirit…those who mourn…the meek…those who hunger and thirst – they hear the call of Jesus.

Are you laboring under the weight of your insufficiencies? Are you heavy laden due to the futility of human efforts?

If so…Jesus is calling you.

Vengeance or Forbearance

Vengeance or forbearance. They are often the two options.

Saul was determined to kill David. But one day David found King Saul asleep in a cave. Instead of vengeance…David chose forbearance.

When at a safe distance…David showed the king a piece he had cut from Saul’s garment. The king’s response? “You are more righteous than I…You have treated me well, but I have treated you badly.”

You face this choice often – vengeance or forbearance. Do I get even…or do I restrain myself and trust God for help?

Why is forbearance the right response? Because “Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.”

Forbearance on your part opens the door to divine accountability.

Be sure you make the right choice – forbearance.

The Loss of Familiarity

The loss of familiarity. It can be disquieting.

Technology has changed the way we live…and we miss what was familiar.

Social values and customs have changed….and with that comes a loss of familiarity.

Even church has changed…and the changes sweep away what was once familiar.

But when you open your Bible…there is the restoration of familiarity.

The story of God’s redemptive plan…the promises of God…the story of the life of the first-century church are all familiar.

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” The God of Scripture never changes.

Are you anxious for what is familiar — the proven ways of the past…the truths that are familiar…and a future that is eternal?

You’ll find it all in the pages of the Bible…the book you cherish and love.

A Palimpsest

A palimpsest. That’s an ancient manuscript that has been erased…but the old writing still shows through.

Since vellum was expensive and rare…some would scrape the old writings off…and reuse the skins.

But…with effort the old writing could still be read.

The memory of sin is like this. God has rubbed out our sins…but we still try to read the old record.

But here the analogy breaks down. It’s true for us…but not for God. He obliterates the old record – but we often still try to read it.

The Bible says “…as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.”

So…put aside the palimpsest – with its trace of forgiven sins.

Jesus doesn’t just erase. He gives you a clean piece of vellum.

The Cry for a King

The cry for a king. It’s because people want to follow a man — rather than God.

This is how it was in ancient Israel. “Give us a king to lead us…”

Samuel the prophet warned them of the folly of their demand – that human leadership would bring oppression and hardship.

But despite his efforts…they persisted in their cry for a king. “We want a king over us.”

They were granted their request…and Samuel anointed Saul king.

People still cry for a king.

When violence breaks out…the cry is for someone to bring deliverance.

Can you imagine the difference if people would cry out to God — instead of crying out for a leader…a political party…or some reformer?

Instead…let Jesus be the king of your life.

A Deep Cleansing

A deep cleansing. That’s what Jesus’ blood does to the human heart.

“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.”

This is a complete and total washing away of all sin.

Sadly…some Christians fail to experience
freedom from guilt. They fail to appropriate the full work of Jesus to do a deep cleansing of their heart.

Jesus reminds us that on that great day…when we stand before the Lord — Jesus will present us without fault. That requires a clean and pure heart.

Some have wondered – can Jesus forgive the awful sins of which I am guilty? The answer is a resounding and victorious yes.

All sins – that’s the promise.

Supernatural Dimensions

Supernatural dimensions. May that describe your life.

Three times God called young Samuel – but he thought it was Eli the priest calling. Eli told Samuel the next time he should say “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.”

The call came the fourth time – and young Samuel said “Speak, for your servant is listening.” What followed was a detailed description of Israel’s immediate future.

Samuel’s obedience ushered him into a life with supernatural dimensions. He became a mighty man of God.

Which will you choose — a life with only human dimensions…or a life with supernatural dimensions?

“Speak, for your servant is listening.” That’s the way to a life with supernatural dimensions.

The Fellowship of God’s People

The fellowship of God’s people. It’s a source of great blessing.

The songs that are sung. They express the experiences of Christians as they live out their faith.

The doctrines that are embraced. They are the Bible truths that provide a road map for their journey.

The witness that is expressed. This is the testimony that speaks of the redemptive love of Christ.

Consider the activities of the first-century church.

“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching…fellowship…breaking of bread…Every day they continued to meet together…praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people.”

Godly people need one another. Isolation is not a Biblical option. Fellowship together is always the pattern to be followed.

Be part of the church – which is the body of Christ.

Running into Trouble

Running into trouble. That’s what happens when you follow Jesus.

You will have trouble with false accusations – some will accuse you of being self-righteous.

You’ll have trouble with your own conscience – what once was incidental and thought harmless…now stirs up deep feelings of conviction.

You’ll have trouble with encroachments on your value system – trying to prudently place your treasures.

Jesus said: “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

It’s all part of taking up your cross and following Jesus. And…in Jesus you will overcome every trouble that you face.

So…it’s trouble with a positive and eternal purpose. With each trouble comes an opportunity to become more like Jesus. Desires…ambitions…and pleasures now have a new direction.

Welcome trouble – this kind of trouble.