Rotting the Bones

Rotting the bones.  That’s what envy will do.

“A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.”

Envy is a thief.  It will steal your peace…destroy relationships…and take away the joy of living.

Envy is wanting to have what someone else has — their appearance…their possessions…their influence.  And when you foster envy…you bring rot to your bones.

Entertaining envy is an insult to God.  It is an accusation that He is unfair and unjust…and guilty of favoritism.

Instead…rejoice in who you are…and live your life fully for Jesus. 

When you spot envy…squeeze it out with a heart of gratitude.


Value.  Who sets it for your life?

A little girl was in love with her rag doll.  In time it became tattered and worn…but the little girl refused to part with it.

Here’s the question.  Why does the worn-out doll have value?  Because it is loved.

You may feel like a worn-out and forgotten nothing…but you have great value.  Why?  Because you are loved – by God.

True…you may feel forgotten and overlooked.  But never forget…you are loved.  That is why your value is beyond calculation.  You are loved by God.

Also…value is determined by scarcity.  Diamonds and precious metals are valuable because they are scarce.  God made only one of you…so scarcity means that you are incredibly valuable.

So lift your head…step up your pace…and have a thankful heart.

You were made by God.

True or False

True or false.  Truth is a person – not an idea.

Pilot…the Judean procurator…asked Jesus – “What is truth?”  Being schooled  in Greek thought…he would have understood truth to be an idea.  It is ever changing and never fully discoverable.

But Jesus…He knew truth was a person — because He is the way…the truth…and the life.  In answering the question…Jesus would have pointed to Himself as truth.

Is this your understanding? If so… may your pursuit for truth lead you to a deeper relationship with Jesus.  The better you know Jesus…the more fully you will be walking in truth.

Schools promote truth as an idea…but there is no truth outside of Jesus.

Jesus is truth.   

The Struggle to Achieve Permanence

The struggle to achieve permanence.  It is the battle between the desire for things to remain as they are…and the destructive forces of passing time.

People pursue exercise routines.  Why?   They hope to stave off the effects of aging.  So much in your life is spent trying to defer the negative effects of passing time.

But here is the answer.  John wrote – “The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.”

This world is not your home – you’re just passing through.  There is nothing in this life that is permanent.  It is like sand…leaking through your fingers.

So…ask God to give you strength for this uncertain journey.  And rest in the confidence of your eternal hope.

Do the will of God.  That has permanence.

The Sheer Magnitude

The sheer magnitude.  You can’t miss it…when you read the story of the feeding of the five thousand.

The magnitude of numbers.  There were five thousand…plus women and children.  So how many people were fed?  Likely about ten thousand.  That’s a big crowd.

The magnitude of Jesus’ appeal.  His teaching and power to deliver and heal brought the masses to Him.

The magnitude of the miracle.  From five loaves and two fish…He fed ten thousand people.  And all were filled and satisfied.

The magnitude of the leftovers.  It took twelve baskets just to pick up what was left over.

But you should not be surprised.  This is the One who spoke and the universe was created.

So bring your needs to Jesus.  The supply is always adequate.

Let Down

Let down.  It happens to all of us.

A trusted friend broke a promise.  An investment goes south.  Hopes for a better future seem to slip away.

But it is at the bottom that you can experience the love of Christ.  When Jesus is all that you have…you will discover that He is enough.

The call is for a life of trust – knowing that Jesus will never leave you nor forsake you. 

Jesus is the safety net.  And when the bottom drops out…you can experience His loving hands to save you.

Do you feel like you are in freefall — like there is no bottom…no safety net to catch you?

But Jesus is with you.  He will never leave you nor forsake you.  He is the sure anchor…if you trust in Him.

Caught by grace.

The Overflow of the Heart

The overflow of the heart.  That’s where the words you speak come from.

Jesus said – “For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.”

If you want to know what is in someone’s heart…just listen to the words they speak.

Words of bitterness?  They come from a bitter heart.  Words of hatred?  They come from a hate-filled heart.  Words of judgment and accusation?  They come from that kind of heart.

Conversely – when you speak words of love…that’s because you have a heart of love.  When you speak words of mercy…it’s because you have a merciful heart.  When you speak words of pardon…that’s because you have a forgiving heart.

So…your words express your heart.  And the way to have good words is to have a clean and godly heart.

The Willingness of Jesus

The willingness of Jesus.  He is more willing to give than you are to receive.

A leper came to Jesus — “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.”

Then “Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. ‘I am willing’…” and he was made whole.

Is Jesus willing to forgive?  Yes.  Is he willing to guard your steps?  Yes.  Is he willing to satisfy the deepest longings of your heart?  Yes.  Is he willing to make a way where there seems to be no way?  Yes.

He is more willing to give…than you are to receive.

Don’t entertain doubts.  Have a faith that is rooted in the willingness of Jesus to meet your need.  Instead of doubt – trust.

He is willing.

A Life Rich in Blessing

A life rich in blessing.  What is the formula?

You will find it in the Beatitudes — poverty of spirit…mourning…meekness…hunger and thirst for righteousness…mercifulness…purity of heart…peacemaking…persecution.  Each carries with it the promise of a blessing.

But…what is the definition of a blessing?

It may include externals — like food…clothing…and shelter. But the meaning is deeper.  It carries with it blessings that are internal – like grace for living…and the joy of being in right relationship with God.

Some may come to Christ seeking personal gain.  But the promise here is for something much better.

So…the promise of a blessed life is yours…when you follow Jesus.

It’s a promise that is certain.


Superficiality.  It is the scourge of the modern church.

It is worship with little heart…giving with the hope of personal gain…and convenience over obedience.

John the Baptist referred to the Pharisees and Sadducees as vipers.  Why?  Because their curiosity was really hypocrisy.  His call was for repentance.

How does the church purge itself from superficiality?   What can be done to strip away the hypocrisy?  How can the church move from empty rituals to experience the power of God?

Here are some thoughts.

Put quality above quantity.  Numbers do not prove divine favor.

Put truth above acceptability.  It’s not what people desire – it’s what God desires.

Put purity above popularity.  The quest for holiness must always be central.

May the church today be stripped of its superficiality.